My 5 examples i want to do for silhouettes is jumping, side profile, a cool action pose or something, a group of friends hanging out or posing, & high kicks
Silhouettes A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single color, usually black, its edges matching the outline of the subject. I personally think silhouettes are very pretty and unique looking because it shows all your features without really seeing what you exactly look like necessarily. Silhouettes remind me of old looking photos like from the frontier days, when like cowboys were around find when taking a silhouette it shows off different features that people wouldn’t usually notice before but do when its put in a situation like a silhouette.

Maya Gutierrez


Period 3

Photography 2


                What I have learned so far from the beginning till now is a lot more effects I could do with a picture then I ever did in photography 1 last term. This term so far has came up with really cool looking photos with photo shop. I have learned about so many more tools you can use on a photo and effects you could do with a photo. So far I like the assignments we do a little better than what we did in photography 1. Some of my favorite assignments that are new to me are the light graffiti and the trimal assignment. Those have been my favorite things we have done so far.

                The new tools I have learned this term are the layer masking tool. That tool is pretty cool because you can use a brush tool on an overlapping photo and brush away the part of the overlapping photo you don’t want but have the same background as the photo that’s underneath. I also learned what a text tutorial is. I never knew how t o do one or what it was till this class. Another thing I’ve learned is how to make shapes into the photo and then make different effects to them. I also more aware of the filter gallery now because in photo one we didn’t have many assignments where we could just make a picture look like how we want too it always had to be done a certain way.