Mr. Sandoval

Photography 2, period 3

10 January 2013

                                                Commercial Photography 

            Commercial Photography is a way to advertise what you want to sell.  How advertising uses commercial photography is if you take an item your trying to sell you might want images to compare to it in good ways like if you are trying to sell an iPod you might want to compare it with something pretty thin like a pencil which would help a viewer see how easy it is to carry it around. Commercial photography helps the viewers see things more interesting which helps the item to be sold. Usually when advertising you wants visuals and not just verbal commercials because you’re giving the person something to look at or to inspire to get and by using a picture it’s already worth 1,000 words.

            A few examples of using commercial photography is: trying to sell a product, promoting a business, food photographs for menus, fashion photography, Portrait photography, showing international disasters that happen in the world, in a movie poster like claim. Most of these fall under the category of advertising which is a big part of commercial photography.

1/10/2013 05:10:06 am

i like your pictures :D

Lluvia Ruiz
1/11/2013 03:48:15 am

I really like your rasberry photo :)


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